Jesus Christ, Changing Us, Changing the World!
CBC Students is the collective name for the Middle School (6th-8th Grades) and High School (9th-12th Grades) Ministries of Central Baptist Church. The students meet in the Student Suite for Sunday School at 9:45 AM, TWNT (The Wednesday Night Thing) at 5:00 PM, and Sunday D-Groups at 6:00 PM.
8:45 AM - Worship (Sanctuary)
9:45 AM - 360° Bible Study (Sunday School)
11:00 AM - Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)
6:00 PM - Student D-Groups
Wednesday (School Year)
5:30 PM - T.W.N.T. (The Wednesday Night Thing) or Service Project
7:30 PM - Dismiss
A weekly time of Bible study led by a great team of adult leaders. Small groups are coed and age based. The lessons are from the Gospel Project and focus on learning the Word and applying the Word. 360° Bible’s a complete revolution!
T.W.N.T. (The Wednesday Night Thing)
The CBC Youth midweek gathering includes a family dinner, large group worship, activity time, and Bible study time!
Sunday Evening Activities (Most Sundays)
Students gather in small groups based on age or gender to connect and encourage one another by studying God’s word.